Sunday, September 23, 2007

Who am I? "For the present your friend, tomorrow your host, and for the short time formality stands between us, the Count of Monte Cristo."

Before I really get into the juicy stuff about my life, I'd like to add a little disclaimer: I'm new to this whole "write your life out for everyone to see" business, so it might take me a little bit to warm up to this concept. I guess we're about to find out.

Despite what my display name shows, my real name is not actually "Alejandro." But since we were told that we could use an alias, I figured it was the only time in my life that I would have a legitimate opportunity to pretend that I had a cool ethnic name like Alejandro, the name that my roommate guessed my middle initial stood for. In fact, my name is actually Corey, and I'm not Latino at all. I'm Caucasian, and on the surface fairly ethnically bland. I'm from California, and I've actually been kind of disappointed that I haven't met anyone yet who's asked me if I go surfing every day or how many celebrities I've met. In case you were wondering, I've only been surfing once in my life (a lot harder than you would think, but it's pretty damn fun) and I've probably had no more celebrity contact than you have. When I'm not at college, I live in the East Bay, about 45 minutes outside of San Francisco. I love where I live and how beautiful and accessible it is, but when I compare San Francisco and D.C., D.C. appeals to me so much more. Maybe it's the fact that I've been to SF so many times and has lost its novelty, but it's also a much dirtier city than D.C. But then again, if you had asked me a year ago if I thought I'd end up going to GW, living in a city and only blocks away from the White House, I would've told you that I had no interest living in an urban environment. My, how things change. I can't imagine going to a school without so much happening around it. In the past week, I've already seen Barack Obama and Alan Greenspan speak, and I have practice for the GW Ultimate Frisbee team on the National Mall. Thus far, I have absolutely no regrets about choosing GW.

But let's talk more about me--it's not that I want to be selfish, but more about getting credit for this assignment so I can move on to other homework. I love all kinds of music, but I can't stand country. And in case you haven't been able to tell from the title of this entry or my blog, , I love movies....a lot. When I found out two of our four papers were going to be movie reviews, it calmed my nerves, which were still shaken from the realization that I was in the "Women's Autobiographies" UW20. Like most people I know, I didn't check the theme of my UW20 before I signed up because I didn't understand how much the theme affected the class. Little did I know, that theme would be the center around which the entire class would be based. My roommates cried for me a little when they found out, but there was mostly laughter all around. But as I've obtained a better understanding of what we'll be doing in this class, my apprehension has all but disappeared. I might even venture to say that I'm a little excited. Regardless, I've embraced the class, and hence the title: I am Jack's effeminate blog. Enjoy.

1 comment:

caroline said...

Terrific post! Very funny... glad to see that you embraced your effeminate self in this first post (love the Fight Club allusion by the way).